Please consult the program appropriate to your modality:
Note that due to inevitable changes in modality and participation during this still-unstable time, some sessions have been shifted since the initial scheduling was completed: please always check the final program as you plan your participation!
Keynote Speakers

Abigail De Kosnik, UC Berkeley
“The ‘General Library,’ or, Media Piracy as Minority Access, Survival, and Relation”
The global phenomenon of media piracy, in which millions of fans participate daily and routinely, is usually investigated through the lenses of copyright infringement, financial impacts to media industries, and how Global South fans access Global North content. This lecture will focus on fans and pirates in the U.S. who are marginalized because of ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, and/or disability, and how they regard media piracy as a practice of information and cultural access that enables their familial and community relations as well as their very survival. While scholars such as Lawrence Lessig have defended pirate and remix practices as useful for allowing presumptively white, middle-class youth to learn important technical and creative skills, other theorists, such as Kavita Philip, have claimed that piracy must be valued beyond its utilitarian value to already-technologically- and culturally-privileged users. Drawing on my interviews with a number of Black, brown, Asian, queer, poor, and disabled pirates, I argue the “paywalling” of media contributes to large-scale structures of poverty and deprivation. I show that, through piracy, U.S. minorities insist on their rights to participate on equal footing in cultural scenes and to derive the maximum personal and collective benefits from those scenes regardless of their social statuses.

Kristen J. Warner, University of Alabama
Ineloquent Truths about Representation From the Represented
With this keynote I wish to explore both the textually mediated moments Black audiences locked ourselves into a sort of immutable visible representation as progress, with all the consequences that followed, as well as the moments where identificatory play and recognitions find their way despite and in spite of our good intentioned folly. Unpacking the truth concerning the potency of feeling represented is for Black audiences, and Black women audiences in particular, can maybe offer insights into developing more resonant kinds of visibility.