Cut Spelling Translator

To Cut Spelling         From Cut Spelling


If a word has two pronunciations, the translator will give you two spelling options, and you need to pick the spelling that matches the pronunciation. For example, if you type "read," the translator doesn't know whether you mean present or past tense. It will return "read/red." If you mean present tense, use "read." If you mean past tense, use "red."

If the translator doesn't recognize a word, it will leave the word untouched. You should translate the word yourself using the rules below.


Rule 1: Cut letters irrelevant to the sound:
A in head>hed, B in doubt>dout, C in except>exept, D in adjust>ajust, E in are>ar, GH in caught>caut,H in when>wen, I in friend>frend, K in knife>nife, O-L in would>wud, N in condemn>condem, O inpeople>peple, P in receipt>receit, S in island>iland, T in fetch>fech, U in build>bild, W in write>rite, Y inkey>ke,
and in many other spelling patterns.

Rule 2a: Cut unstressed vowels before L,M,N,R
A as in pedal>pedl, and likewise madm, womn, vicr.
E as in camel>caml, and likewise systm, gardn, singr.
I as in lentil>lentl, and likewise victm, raisn, Cheshr.
O as in pistol>pistl, and likewise fathm, reasn, sailr.
U as in consul>consl, and likewise albm, murmr.
AI as in mountain>mountn.
OU as in glamour>glamr.

Rule 2b: Cut vowels in regular endings
as -ED>-D in washed>washd.
-ES>-S in washes>washs.
-ING>-NG in washing>washng.
-ABLE>-BL in washable>washbl.

Rule 3: Write most double consonants single
as in ebb>eb, lock>lok, well>wel, bottle>botl, hopped>hopd, hopping>hopng, accommodate>acomodate.


1 F for GH & PH: rough>ruf, photograph>fotograf
2 J for soft G: ginger>jinjr, judge>juj
3 Y for IG: sigh>sy, sight>syt, sign>syn

FEWER CAPITALS & APOSTROPHES Write only proper names with capitals:

France but french, Paris but parisian
Augustus but august, Satrn but satrday
Write apostrophes only to link words: 
she'd, it's, we'l, let's,
not to show omission or possession:
oclok, hadnt, Freds house, our neibrs houses.
For more about cut spelling, see here: